Thursday, November 8, 2018

Medicare for All: midterm campaign promises must be kept

It seems like establishment Democrats have finally realized what has been obvious to progressives and leftists for quite awhile now, Medicare for All is a winning platform. During the the recent midterm election an unprecedented number of Democrats, from centrists to far left candidates, ran on Medicare for All, single-payer, universal healthcare or at the very least the expansion of Medicare. This is notable since just as recently as the last presidential electoral cycle of 2016, the Democratic party's presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said that single-payer will “never, ever” happen.

Medicare for All was electoral success for Democrats

However, due to Bernie Sanders's unwavering progressive platform during the 2016 Democratic presidential primary election, the idea and possibility of some type of universal healthcare system, such as Medicare for All has permanently entered the American political zeitgeist. It is clear that many Democratic candidates in the 2018 midterms also recognized that Medicare for All can be their ticket to electoral success. Some of these candidates have now been elected as congressional representatives. For instance, Mike Levin campaigned on Medicare for All in California's 49th congressional district which helped him capture a long-held Republican seat previously occupied by Darrell Issa. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ran an unapologetic democratic socialist campaign in New York's 14th congressional district with Medicare for All as an integral part of her platform.

Hold them accountable

Now that the midterm elections are over, it is up to voters to hold these newly elected representatives to their promises during the campaign trail. Representative Keith Ellison is currently sponsoring a Medicare for All bill in the House which already has 123 co-sponsors. Constituents of the newly elected congressional representatives who had previously campaigned on Medicare for All must continue to be proactive in pressuring these incoming congressional representatives to sign on as co-sponsors of this important legislation.

There will be elements of capital and industry, such as the health insurance industry, which will lobby these incoming representatives to convince them to abandon their promises to support some type of universal healthcare system. Therefore, it is imperative that activists begin contacting these incoming representatives, even before they have been sworn in, to let them know that the American public will not forget their campaign promises. We the people expect these promises to be kept.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Corporations fear worker-centric progressive movement

Democratic socialist Senator Bernie Sanders is tired of government handouts. Sanders is seeking to finally end entitlement bailout programs for corporations which help them keep worker wages at starvation levels while the American taxpayer is left holding the bill. Last month Sanders introduced legislation that would tax corporations with 500 or more employees a 100 percent tax on the amount of government benefits received by their workers. Congressman Ro Khanna had already introduced a similar bill in the House last summer. Since then Sanders has been on a tear criticizing big corporations in a PR campaign that seems to be yielding results.

Corporate welfare

The introduced bill is titled the Stop Bezos ACT, which is a jab at Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos who has often been criticized for consistently paying rock bottom starvation wages to his workers, forcing them to seek government benefits in order to make ends meet. Despite being a $1 trillion company the corporation has thousands of workers who are currently relying on food stamps to survive due to their low pay. Amazon and other similar low-paying large corporations are essentially being subsidized by taxpayer money to allow them to pay workers literal starvation wages, all the while making extremely large profits for themselves, executives and shareholders.

Corporations fear the Bern

It turns out Bezos was listening to Sanders and that he is afraid of the brewing progressive movement focusing on the rights and interests of workers over corporations. After continued criticism from Sanders following the introduction of the bill which names Bezos via acronym in the bill's title, Amazon announced, due to the political pressure, it is raising its minimum wage to $15 per hour. Amazon is also calling on other large corporate employers to follow suit.

McDonald's is next

Shortly after Amazon announced that it is succumbing to political pressure to raise its minimum wage Sanders immediately continued his tireless efforts on behalf of the interests of workers. Sanders is now calling on McDonald's to follow suit and raise its minimum wage to $15 per hour just like Amazon has done. McDonald's, like most other corporations which benefitted from President Donald Trump's corporate giveaway plan, known as the GOP tax cut plan, used most of the tax cut money on stock buybacks and dividends for shareholders. “If McDonald's can afford to give its shareholders $7.7 billion, it can afford to pay all of its workers $15 an hour,” wrote Sanders in a letter to McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Federal jobs guarantee both bold and smart

With the American economy on a steady recovery since the Obama presidency and the unemployment rate at record lows, fiscally, it would be the perfect time to introduce a federal job guarantee for every American. This particular point in the American economic recovery would be the least costly time for the Federal government to implement such a program which would super charge the American economy while eliminating significant amounts of unnecessary human suffering.

Bold and smart

That is why Bernie Sanders’ recent call to introduce a federal job guarantee for every American, with a $15.00 an hour minimum wage and accompanying supplementary health benefits, is both bold and smart for the long-term economic health of the United States.

Prepare for future economic crisis

Trump’s recklessness and impulsiveness is well-known. While some parts of the economy are in a relatively reasonable state, how long before any of the economic hand grenades that he loves to toss around (think tariffs, roll-back of Dodd-Frank or the tax plan) explodes big time? The economic crisis of 2008 could quite easily come back for an encore any time soon. Therefore, it is best to build the infrastructure for this important social and economic program while the American economy is strong.

Minimizes hiring discrimination

A jobs guarantee also allows for those workers who struggle in the private sector, notably non-whites, a more level playing field when it comes to being hired without the spectre of discrimination hanging over them.

Raises wages for all workers

In addition, the private sector, notorious for keeping a lid on wages for as long as possible, would be forced to address how much it paid its employees if the public sector is paying $15.00 an hour to its employees. Put another way, why work for $9.00 an hour in the private sector when you could be working for $15.00 an hour in the public sector? With the current labor shortage being exacerbated by Trump immigration policy in key economic sectors, such as construction, this can be a compelling catalyst for companies to finally begin raising wages in order to compete for workers.

Revitalizing American infrastructure

Further, it is no secret that the infrastructure of the United States is in disrepair. The job guarantee offers a way to tackle that decay as public works can be focused upon as the government would be able to target areas for improvement that the private sector generally avoids. With a stronger infrastructure, the economy becomes healthier, generates more tax revenue and more investment can be made.

Political support for jobs guarantee steadily growing

A federal jobs guarantee has been an idea that has been in the outer orbit of regular Democratic thinking for years now. The established mainstream of the party has traditionally had an aversion to this, opting instead for public-private partnerships. However, this is starting to change as many begin to realize a fundamental rethink is needed and that a federal jobs guarantee is a bone fide way to ensure future economic growth and stability.

Sanders is not the only voice calling for a federal jobs guarantee. Support is growing, with Senators Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand pledging their commitment to the idea. And recent New York congressional primary winner Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fully subscribes to the idea as well. Also, former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich supports the policy.

A federal jobs guarantee is no longer fringe-thinking. It is time for liberals, progressives and Democrats to embrace the concept.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Stopping Trump agenda in November essential for real progressives

On the morning of November 9, 2016 we woke up to a nightmare. Somehow, despite poll after poll showing Hilary Clinton was headed to the White House, Donald Trump took the prize. Not only that, but his Republican party enablers had hung onto both the House and the Senate. A trio of GOP misery was well and truly upon us. Countless Americans were worried and fearful, as they remain now.

Since then, three things have been very noticeable.

First, Trump’s behavior, entirely predictably, has become worse and worse and he is clearly not fit to be President.

Second, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan’s Republican party have put on a Vichy style display of acquiescence and indulgence of Trump’s aberrant behavior simply to hold on to power – and for no other reason than that.

Third, the Republicans have taken repeated beatings in any number of local, state or congressional elections since Trump’s victory.

One of the most recent was a state Senate seat in Wisconsin where a Democrat won big, overturning Trump’s 2016 margin of 18 points.

That was the first time that a Democrat had won that seat in over 40 years.

The much vaunted “Blue Wave” is being touted in advance of the forth-coming mid-terms in November of this year. Poll after poll has shown how anti-Trump and anti-GOP resentment has been boiling up for 18 months now. This is though where the opposition, the resistance, however you want to call it, needs to be careful that the Blue Wave stays as one and doesn’t fragment into smaller, much less effective waves.

If the Democrats can secure the mid-terms, flip the House and the Senate, Trump is in a much more precarious position. No longer will he be able to rely upon a dog-whistle Republican party with puff-pastry for a spine. His nefariousness can be checked more frequently and yes, the prospect of impeachment (and never was there a President that that word was so designed for) becomes a more realistic possibility.

The Democrats absolutely cannot afford to splinter the anti-GOP vote come November. If your preferred candidate doesn’t make it through a primary, take the hit. Because if you don’t, stay-at-home liberals and progressives translate into Republican electoral wins – it’s that simple.

Waking up on Wednesday November 7, 2018 and finding that the House and the Senate are still in Republican hands would be Groundhog Day style horrific. The only thing that would be worse would be finding out that Trump had secured a second term in November 2020, which would make implementing any actual progressive policy difficult, if not impossible, on a national level.

Progressives need to understand that these two nightmare scenarios are intrinsically linked. Break the first one and the second one has less chance of occurring. And more importantly, it will greatly increase the potential for the progressive agenda to become actual policy.

Voting is not about a purely performative expression of the “purity” of your political views, but rather a social mechanism which results in actual material consequences for people in real life. Having your candidate make it through the primaries is great. However, if they don’t, they are still very likely part of the broad spectrum of anti-GOP, anti-Trump alliance.

Stopping the Trump agenda is an essential part of the overall progressive agenda. Therefore, genuine progressives who are serious about achieving material progress which can affect people in real life, should not stay home in November even if their favored progressive candidate did not make it into the general election.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Collapse of the American Political Spectrum (Part 3 of 3)

Written by Igor Goldkind

Continued from Part 2 of 3

I don't applaud or even support all the actions and ideologies of the left. Many suffer from self-delusion, self-righteousness, intolerance and just as nefarious intent as the right; e.g. the 2106 Democratic primary (that is, only if you're so right wing do you consider Democrats as equivalent leftists). Mainly I despise the current progressive left for being so far up their own digestive tracks as to permit the election of an unqualified, incompetent candidate! Jill Stein? No, this is well beyond left or right; this is about whether or not you understand and advocate for the U.S. Constitution or whether you adhere to contradicting the Constitution by imposing dictates like the Ten Commandments and the irresponsibility of unregulated market capitalism.

Like most things, disdain is born of ignorance. The left has always been viewed in measure to how close to Marxism it drifts on our traditional spectrum. But that has mainly to do with a basic misunderstanding of Marxist rhetoric on the part of most Americans. For example, Marx’s Das Capital is not a blueprint for revolution regardless of whether revolutionaries from Lenin through Mao to Castro took it as such. Marx was never a revolutionary or even, strictly speaking, political. Karl Marx was a socio-economist, interested in scientifically tracing the origins and causes of his current social system, in both England and France where he studied everything from the Paris Communes to the British miner’s union.

His work is a critique and a warning against the dangers of unbridled Capitalism, not a prescription for its replacement. It was Lenin and Mao Tse Tung that decided that they knew what to replace their respective monarchical systems with. They were merely following the first American and then French models of revolutionary severance in an emerging industrial society where the rule of Capital was quickly replacing the seat of power and oppression held by the monarchy and the church. Remember that Fidel Castro first appealed to the U.S. to support his democratic revolution and only turned to Soviet-style Communism when his entreaties were rejected by us. Castro had read the U.S. Constitution and mistakenly thought that a nation built on the foundation stone of revolution would sympathize and support his struggle against the dictator Baptista. Boy, was he going to get a wake up call!

This is all summarised by the very first international convention on Marxism attended by scholars, writers and politicians from all over the world. The keynote speaker at the end was to be an aged Karl Marx himself! After listening to hour upon hour of dissertation and speech on the tenets of Marxism by every leading self-described Marxist in the world, when Karl Marx was ushered to the podium to the thunder of a standing ovation, for Marx was clearly the patron saint of all of them, he paused. Karl Marx leaned into the microphone and after the long pause pronounced: “Thank you everyone, thank you very much but after I’ve heard everything I’ve heard today, I want you all to be very clear about one thing: I am not a Marxist!”

It's really that simple.

Don't be distracted by the false claims of partisanship so often paraded by the right. And use anything you find useful here to pursue this argument with those supporting the extreme Right.

Donald Trump isn't right wing, he is simply and indisputably a betrayer of the U.S. Constitution.

So let's put aside our redundant spectrum labels, let's renounce our own affiliations and denounce all politics up till now whilst at the same time re-examine the history of our nation's founding. Let us enter into debate and discussion with our fellow citizens and engage in disagreement and persuasion based not on whether a political leaning fits your particular style or mood, but whether the issue, the organization, the person or the principle being examined either supports or contradicts the founding ideology of our (already), great, democratic republic.

The only way we are going to rise above the rubble of our political spectrum is to dig deep into the original American values upon which this country is founded. Not closure or exclusion but hope, promise and progress. We are a nation founded on reason and reason is what we all desperately need to return to or we will cease to be the nation our forefathers and fore-immigrants dreamt of. 

For more writing by the author go to:

Friday, April 6, 2018

The Collapse of the American Political Spectrum (Part 2 of 3)

Written by Igor Goldkind

Continued from Part 1 of 3

America is a melting pot goes the cliche, but it’s not a melting pot of people and cultures. Instead, America is a melting pot of people’s idealization of America. A merging of hopes and aspirations from all four corners of the world. All of the immigrants who came to America for whatever reason, imagined what this country represented, my Russian grandfather included. As a youth, he had posters of Hollywood film stars pasted on his walls. He had always dreamed of escaping the Jewish pogroms and escaping to America, the land of the Free, where people could work hard and prosper. He imagined the land where he wanted to live, to escape to, long before he had touched feet on American soil. It was his desire to pursue his dream, his optimistic illusion that moved him. So it was with the Irish, the Germans, the Russians, the Italians, the French, the English, the Spanish, the Indians, the Vietnamese, the Japanese, the Chinese and so forth. Wave upon wave of immigrants arriving literally on the wings of a prayer: that there might be a better life here for them and their families.

From the onset immigrants wanted to conform, to fit into this culture. When people are diverse, they strive to be the same and when people are the same they strive to be distinguished. Immigrants want to become American as fast as possible, or at least they want their children to be as a natural progression. When I asked my grandfather to teach me Russian he refused telling me that it was the language of the old country and best forgotten along with the victims of the Cossack pogroms he and my grandmother had left behind. This was the land of their aspirations and embraced whatever culture they could touch. More often than not, it was the aspirations of the previous generation of immigrants they embraced, that still lingered in the atmosphere like the scent from a million flowers. It was within this churn of dreams that America was invented.

This was the living, breathing American idealism that seamlessly overlapped the original Anglo-Protestant American idealism of the post-Enlightenment both confirming and revitalizing the ideal of America. What America really is, what it really represents is refreshed and reinvigorated with each and every new wave of immigrants. Refugees come here escaping war and tyranny because until this past year, this nation was the safe harbor of Liberty. This is why immigrants are so vital to our democracy and why Trump is so horrifically wrong to hinder their entry. It is optimism of the immigrant, their aspirations, their idealism, that refreshes our democracy and reminds us what is truly great about America and Americans. Not our jingoism (every nation state has that), but our openness to the other we may not first understand and our willingness to change and be changed by the world turning round.
The Black Panthers, the usual right wing's bugbear, at their worst fought for the right to bear arms (as provided by the Second Amendment) and to not be harassed by the Oakland police. They armed themselves to protect their civil rights and to protect themselves from racist police brutality. Don't believe me? Read your history and read the works of Eldridge Cleaver, Huey Newton and Malcolm X. All were fighting for their American civil rights as provided by and guaranteed in the text of the U.S. Constitution, the highest law of the land.

Even the destruction of property isn't prohibited by the Constitution but by other more localized laws. However, constitutional law trumps federal law, state law, county law and city law. If it's not spelt out in the Constitution then it has been down to the legal tradition to work it out through the enforcement of lower court decisions all the way to the Supreme Court, if need be. But those laws of governance and the rights of man are spelt out, such as the right to free speech, the right to dissent, the right to pursue one's happiness without deterrence and the right to practice any religion without harassment; it stands above any other law that has been passed locally or otherwise.

The U.S. Constitution (and its accompanying Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence), are by their very existence if not definition, progressive documents. They were all written, argued about and voted on to progress us beyond a decadent monarchy, church and systems of government that had existed for a millennium at least previously (with perhaps the exception of the short-lived English Civil War). They were also the rules of governance, not anti-government, but an equitable governance that assured the democratic representation of all citizens, documented or not.

If, on the other hand, you are terrified of change, resistant to progress and always proclaim the past as superior to the present, then you are conservative, but no longer of the right. If you were successfully transferred to the distant past, you would have been a Tory resisting the radical, never before tried, severance from the King and the religious establishment. You would have gone as far as to collude with our foreign enemies, like Benedict Arnold and Donald Trump did to undermine our democratic institutions and betray the Constitution that both had sworn to protect.

So much clarity is lost when we succumb to counterfactual history. In this case, “counterfactual” meaning, not only backward looking narratives that are factually inaccurate, but contrived narratives that actually defy and contradict the tenets they are meant to illustrate. Examples include the right wing attempt to reattach church and state with the preposterous notion that our history is Judeo-Christian just because a lot of Christians live and practice here. As well they should as the first amendment guarantees the right to worship anyway you want but NOT deny others the right to practice their religion or even lack of belief. Again, the United States was founded on the basis of reasoned judgement NOT faith and superstition.

This is exemplified in the malicious rewrite of history that forgets that most, if not all references to God in our founders documents were added later by Christian legislators. The credo ‘In God We Trust’ was actually added to our currency in the mid-20th century, to distinguish us from Communist atheism.

It's time for American patriots to start calling a spade a spade (as in pointed shovel, not a racial slur) if you oppose the general welfare of the American people, you stand against the Constitution. If you oppose every American's unqualified entitlement to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," you stand against the Constitution. If you favour the introduction of prayer into schools and the Christian faith above all other religions in our laws and institutions, then you stand against the Constitution. And if you favour or excuse the gerrymandering of political precincts for the sake of political advantage or to disenfranchise the right of all U.S. citizens to vote regardless, or invite a foreign power to interfere with a U.S. election, you stand against the Constitution.

If you collude with a foreign power to receive stolen information detrimental to your political opponent for political gain; not only do you stand against the Constitution. You're a traitor to it.

Continue to Part 3 of 3

For more writing by the author go to:

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Collapse of the American Political Spectrum (Part 1 of 3)

Written by Igor Goldkind

Left is right and right isn’t right enough anymore in this tipsy-turvy political looking-glass world we’ve passed into after Obama’s 8-year hiatus. Of all the damage the present occupier of the Whitehouse has reeked upon our nation, the one arguably positive benefit we’ve reaped from his bull-in-China’s-shop comportment since his selection by the Electoral College, is the complete and total destruction of the Americas political spectrum.

On both wings: firstly the empowerment of the radical, racist right once referred to as the ‘alt-right’ and since their successful infiltration of the GOP are now just referred to as the right or the extreme right. The term “Rino” (Republican in name only) has already had a devastating impact on the tense political balance our country has maintained since our Civil War, over 150 years of political tradition. The traditional moderate right, the liberal Republicans epitomized by McCain and Flake have suddenly found that Trump’s Blitzkrieg on our political system has trapped them behind Liberal lines.

But it isn’t just the right that’s become irrelevant by virtue of the rising of popularity of extremists, white supremacists and neo-fascist apologists (like Stephen Bannon), the left has also suffered a crisis of identity and relevance. The bitter divisions generated first by the manipulated and largely duped antagonism against Hillary Clinton (at one time defined as a moderate Democrat) and the refusal of the supporters of Bernie Sanders to follow his lead and throw their support behind Hillary when the Democratic primaries had passed. The ‘faux-left’s’ refusal to yield their personal preferences to strategy, created just as severe an impact as Trump did and was one of the chief causes of the Democratic loss. Too many self-righteous progressives and self-described liberals abandoned ship and voted for Jill Stein, the Libertarian ticket or even abstained from voting altogether, for which there really is never any excuse.

Hey, you can’t complain unless you vote.

Political contests are trivialized when you place personality before policy. I voted for Hillary Clinton, not because I liked her; I’m never going to meet her, live next door to her or sleep with her, so why do I have to like her? I voted for her policies which although not the clear white light of perfection, were a helluva lot better than the GOP's platform which began with where it is now and will end: an accommodation of Putin’s Kremlin and a chorus of dog whistles to the despicable racists, religious fanatics and science-botherers who were duped by Russian propaganda into voting for him.

Trump has successfully broken our political wings, both left and right. For us to really further a resistance to the autocratic tyranny that is Trump’s objective, we’re going to have to replace the ideological spectrum that Trump has shattered with one that is more responsive and more accurately reflects the actual disposition of American voters. The only question remaining is if it is all possible that inadvertently Trump has done us all a favour? You know, the kind of favour G/d granted us at Sodom and Gomorrah?

Historically, the difference between American left and the American right is that leftist ideology has always worked within the framework and the implicit intent of the US Constitution. Really, you say? Yes, really. Check it out. Re-read your Thomas Paine, your Thomas Jefferson and the first drafts of the U.S. Constitution before it was altered by the Southern slave states. Did you know that the original draft of the U.S. Constitution has an amendment written by Paine and Jefferson that would have abolished the slave trade and freed all the African slaves? Imagine what kind of America we would be now if slavery had been abolished a hundred years earlier? Thomas Paine also argued for a minimum universal wage so that no one would have to face starvation and homelessness as the poor did in England.

What the extreme right, Libertarians and the occasional Conservative are adamantly blind to is that America was the first nation on the face of the planet to throw the notions of divine rule by king or bishop into the ashcan of history. If you believe in that great revolution then you are a progressive thinker, doer and citizen. The framers of the Constitution were all “social justice warriors”; if they hadn't been they wouldn't have bothered fighting a revolution in the first place. Our democratic state is based not on faith but the rule of reason and justice, the intellectual inheritance of the French and Scottish Enlightenment. You can see that in our laws, our Constitution and our balancing of powers.

Even the extreme left, the Wobblies, Communists, Anarchists and Radical Socialists have never stood opposed to the founding tenets of the American Constitution. In fact, what they have always fought for is more: more freedom (to protest and say what they want), more representation, more and stronger unions, more liberty, more reform, more of everything apart from injustice, racial discrimination or the rule of capital and privilege.

Continued at
Part 2 of 3

For more writing by the author go to: