Monday, July 9, 2018

Federal jobs guarantee both bold and smart

With the American economy on a steady recovery since the Obama presidency and the unemployment rate at record lows, fiscally, it would be the perfect time to introduce a federal job guarantee for every American. This particular point in the American economic recovery would be the least costly time for the Federal government to implement such a program which would super charge the American economy while eliminating significant amounts of unnecessary human suffering.

Bold and smart

That is why Bernie Sanders’ recent call to introduce a federal job guarantee for every American, with a $15.00 an hour minimum wage and accompanying supplementary health benefits, is both bold and smart for the long-term economic health of the United States.

Prepare for future economic crisis

Trump’s recklessness and impulsiveness is well-known. While some parts of the economy are in a relatively reasonable state, how long before any of the economic hand grenades that he loves to toss around (think tariffs, roll-back of Dodd-Frank or the tax plan) explodes big time? The economic crisis of 2008 could quite easily come back for an encore any time soon. Therefore, it is best to build the infrastructure for this important social and economic program while the American economy is strong.

Minimizes hiring discrimination

A jobs guarantee also allows for those workers who struggle in the private sector, notably non-whites, a more level playing field when it comes to being hired without the spectre of discrimination hanging over them.

Raises wages for all workers

In addition, the private sector, notorious for keeping a lid on wages for as long as possible, would be forced to address how much it paid its employees if the public sector is paying $15.00 an hour to its employees. Put another way, why work for $9.00 an hour in the private sector when you could be working for $15.00 an hour in the public sector? With the current labor shortage being exacerbated by Trump immigration policy in key economic sectors, such as construction, this can be a compelling catalyst for companies to finally begin raising wages in order to compete for workers.

Revitalizing American infrastructure

Further, it is no secret that the infrastructure of the United States is in disrepair. The job guarantee offers a way to tackle that decay as public works can be focused upon as the government would be able to target areas for improvement that the private sector generally avoids. With a stronger infrastructure, the economy becomes healthier, generates more tax revenue and more investment can be made.

Political support for jobs guarantee steadily growing

A federal jobs guarantee has been an idea that has been in the outer orbit of regular Democratic thinking for years now. The established mainstream of the party has traditionally had an aversion to this, opting instead for public-private partnerships. However, this is starting to change as many begin to realize a fundamental rethink is needed and that a federal jobs guarantee is a bone fide way to ensure future economic growth and stability.

Sanders is not the only voice calling for a federal jobs guarantee. Support is growing, with Senators Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand pledging their commitment to the idea. And recent New York congressional primary winner Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fully subscribes to the idea as well. Also, former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich supports the policy.

A federal jobs guarantee is no longer fringe-thinking. It is time for liberals, progressives and Democrats to embrace the concept.