Friday, March 22, 2019

Centrist healthcare proposal sabotages Medicare for All, protects insurance industry influence

Medicare for All has now become a mainstream platform for Democratic candidates following Senator Bernie Sanders’s 2016 presidential campaign which injected the possibility of such a policy into the American political psyche. However, it would be foolish to think the for-profit health insurance lobby would just stand by passively while progressive lawmakers pass the Medicare for All bill currently in the House, which would effectively end the private insurance industry as it is today. This is why industry-funded Democrats are beginning to fall in line with a new centrist health insurance bill which is designed to sabotage the Medicare for All movement while ensuring the medical insurance industry continues to hold power over American politics, all in the name of profits and greed.

Centrist healthcare bill would maintain insurance industry power over policy

The Medicare for America bill would automatically enroll those currently uninsured into Medicare while allowing those who have employer-sponsored insurance or other private insurance to choose to enroll into Medicare if they wish. The bill, which expired last year, is likely to be re-introduced in the current Congress. The problem with Medicare for America is that the plan would leave the for-profit insurance industry intact, unlike Medicare for All. This is problematic because this means the for-profit insurance industry will continue to have a financial interest in making sure Americans do not receive healthcare without insurance corporations also making a profit.

Insurance industry will still have incentive to rollback healthcare gains

The for-profit insurance industry, as it has in the past, will use these profits to lobby for lawmakers to dismantle whatever gains Medicare for America would garner for working Americans. The nation has recently witnessed this dynamic in the Republican attempt to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) via the American Healthcare Act, otherwise known as Trumpcare. In fact, the Republicans are continuing their fight to dismantle the ACA right now via the court system. Of course, this comes as no surprise since the GOP has historically garnered more political donations from the insurance industry than Democrats.

Corporatist Democrats will back Medicare for America

On the other hand, Democrats are not immune to this type of influence from the insurance industry. Centrist Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke was the top recipient of donations from the Insurance/Finance/Real Estate sector out of all candidates on both sides of the aisle during the 2018 election cycle. O’Rourke also happens to be the first presidential candidate in the current electoral cycle to include Medicare for America as a part of his platform. One can be sure that other centrist and corporatist Democrats will come around to backing Medicare for America in an attempt to appease their insurance industry donors, while also sabotaging progressives fighting for true universal healthcare coverage.

1 comment:

  1. The republican and democratic party,s are branches on the same tree We need an outsider like Bernie to chop down that tree !
